News and Updates
Race date set for Saturday April 26th!
Mark your calendars for this year’s Jock River Race. Racers of all skill levels will converge on the Jock for another fun day on the open the paddling and racing season. Whether you’re in it to win or just to experience the rush of the race, this is your chance to join a community of passionate paddlers and enjoy a day of fun and excitement!
Another great race in the books!
Beautiful weather and great water levels made this year’s race one to remember. Thanks once again to the racers, their friends and family who support them, our volunteers, sponsors and RACCC safety crews that help make this race happen. See you next year!
Race date Change: Now Sunday April 7th
The weather has not been cooperating and we have made the decision to delay the race to Sunday April 7th. See you there!
Race date Change: Now Saturday April 6th
Due to the early spring this year the race date has been moved forward to April 6th. If you had registered but the new date doesn’t work for you please contact us at for a refund. See you on the 6th!
Mark your calendars for Saturday April 20th
The race date for this year is set for Saturday April 20th. We’re planning a few new things for this year, if you haven’t already done so, stay up-to-date by registering to our newsletter which will be going out shortly.
Race Set For April 22nd
The race which started back in 1971 is still going strong. Come and join us on April 22nd for a day of fun competition on the mighty Jock River. If you haven’t already done so, stay up-to-date by registering to our newsletter which will be going out shortly.
Race Set For April 16th
This is the year! After a couple years of cancelations, your favourite spring time race will run on April 16th. More information will be coming out soon. If you haven’t already done so, stay up-to-date by registering to our newsletter which will be going out shortly.
Race Cancelled
Once again we need to cancel this year’s race. With 125 pre-registered teams it’s clear that the Jock River Race is still as popular as ever to our local paddlers. Looking to put on a great event next year.
Refunds will be issued over the next few days.
Stay safe!
Race Set for Saturday APril 17th, 2021
We’re back! Your favourite spring melt canoe race is scheduled for April 17th. While it’s impossible to predict what the future holds in terms of Covid-19, we’re looking at all options to organize a safe race for everyone. To stay up-to-date on this year’s event register to our newsletter which will be going out shortly.
Registrations to open February 1st!
Race Cancelled due to COVID-19
This year's Jock River Race is cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to those who had pre-registered for the event, refunds will be issued over the next few days.
A great thank you to our volunteers and sponsors who were were as ready as ever to make this an awesome race!
Stay safe.
See you next year!
Early bird Registrations are Open
Online early bird registrations are open and will run through until March 18th. Take advantage of the discounted price! Early bird entries give us the ability to better predict the number of racers to expect and organize accordingly.
49th Annual Jock River Race - April 18th, 2020
Race date is set for April 18th. On the heels of a very successful 2019 race we’re looking to make 2020 even better. Early bird registration are set to open Feb 1st.
Have ideas on how we can improve the race? Want to volunteer? Drop us a line at!
rECORD Number of Racers Finish the rACE
Mother Nature smiled on the Jock River Race Saturday which made for record number of racers who finished the race. Low water levels meant slightly slower times this year where Robert Ross in a Competitive Solo Kayak took first place overall with a time of 1 hours and 42 seconds, slightly ahead of Michelle Laprade and Ryan Stepka in the Canoe Competitive class who finished in 1:01:08. The full list of results is available on here on the results page sorted by time and by boat number.
Thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors and paddlers who make this race possible. If you have comments or suggestions please email us. See you next year for the 49th annual race!
Race Postponed to May 4th
A special weather statement was issued for Friday and Saturday for significant rain, cooler temperatures and wind gusts to 50km/h. As a result a decision was made to postpone the race again an additional week to May 4th. Once again you have already registered and won’t be able to make the new race date drop us a line at and we’ll give you a full refund.
Race Postponed to April 27th
Beautiful spring weather today but it’s too little too late for our original race date. There is open water on the sections of the river with current, but the fen will remain frozen for another while. If you have already registered and won’t be able to make the new race date drop us a line at and we’ll give you a full refund.
Still waiting for Open Water
One week didn’t make much of a difference for the Jock which is still frozen over. Forecasts is starting to look better with slightly warmer overnight temperatures. Still monitoring conditions, but there’s a chance Mother Nature will force the race to be postponed, stay tuned!
Looking like a Late Spring
March 20th and the river is still quite frozen and we’re looking at a relatively cool 14 day forecast and more snow tonight! Compared to previous years it appears it will be a late spring. We’ll keep monitoring river conditions and provide updates here.
Registrations open
Online early bird registrations are now open for the race. Early bird registrations save you money and help us organize a better race. Register by clicking on the ‘Register’ menu item at the top of the page and following the instructions. No worries, if Mother Nature forces us to change the race date and you can’t make it, we’ll give you a full refund.
Race Date Set for 2019!
The race date for 2019 has been to to April 13th. As usual we’re looking to put together a fun event that brings a large number of competitors out on race day to enjoy the beautify Jock River.
Record race day
A new race record of 135 teams signed up for this year's race. Great weather and good water levels made for fast results with 5 teams finishing in under 1 hour. Results are available in the results menu. Thanks for making the 47th edition an exceptional year for the Jock River Race!
Channel Open on the River
It took a long time, but a channel free of ice has finally opened up on the river. With less than two weeks to go until race day excitement is starting to build up!
New race DatE set for 21st, 2018
The river start and end are now free of ice and the fen should follow in the next couple of weeks, setting up of a race date of April 21st starting at 12pm. Come on out for a fun race. Early bird registrations will close on April 14th.
Race Postponed to April 14th or 21st, 2018
Mother Nature has decided to make us wait a bit longer for our rite of spring. With the river still frozen we have to postpone the race to either the 14th or the 21st of April, depending on quickly the ice melts. We're hoping to be in a position to the make the call this weekend. Check back here or on Facebook for updates!
Race date: Saturday April 7th, 2018
April 7th has been set as the tentative date is set for the race. Of course the race is at the mercy of Mother Nature and will be moved to a different Saturday depending on when the river is free of ice. Changes to the date will be announced on this website.
Early Bird Registration Opens: March 1st, 2018
Early bird registrations will be available again this year starting March 1st.
April 22nd, 2017: Pictures of the Race
Looking for pictures of this year's race? Rick Balderson shared a treasure trove of great shots on flickr, have a look here.
April 15th, 2017: Great turnout for 2017
Over 120 teams registered in this year's Jock River Race! Preliminary results are available in the results section of the website. Two teams finished under 1 hour, Ryan Stepka and Pierre Lavictoire paddled to first place in 0:57:43 while Robert Ross finished just under the hour mark at 0:59:55! Congrats to all racers.
APRIL 14th, 2017: Record Number of Pre-Registrations are in
Water levels and weather are looking good for race day. A record number of teams have pre-registered for this year's event. Race start is at 12pm on Saturday. Reminder that life jackets must be worn at all times during the race. See you at the race.
March 26, 2017: Race Postponed to April 15th!
Due to recent cold weather the race has been postponed to April 15th. The forecast for warmer weather and rain should see the river open up within the next couple of weeks. Pre-registered teams will be contacted and offered a refund. Early bird and online registrations have been extended to April 11th and April 14th respectively.
March 23, 2017: River Update
Planning and registrations progressing well for the race. Mother Nature may have something to say about the race date. We're closely monitoring river conditions and will update here and on facebook if a change is required. Registered paddlers will be contacted directly.
April 5, 2017: Registrations are open!
Online registrations are open with early bird pricing offering significant discounts. Sign up and come join us for this year's race!