Jock and Raisin river Combined Results Award
New to 2019
The Raisin and Jock river paddling races are introducing a new best combined time award for racers who take part of both races. The fastest combined time for canoes and kayaks will be recognized as the best of the best of the year year. To be eligible racers must take part in both races in the same tandem canoe or solo kayak.
Year | Tandem Canoe Racers | Jock Time | Raisin Time | Combined Time | Solo Kayak Racer | Jock Time | Raisin Time | Combined Time |
2019 | First LastName, Second Lastname | 1:15:34 | 2:15:10 | 3:30:44 | First Lastname | 1:15:34 | 2:15:10 | 3:30:44 |